
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

new ventures

Today I painted in oils for the first time in my life. How I got through 4 years of art school without painting in oils is beyond me. Today, however, I tried and it actually wasn't a disaster. I'd known I wanted to do it for ages, I just never made the plunge. Perhaps... this is a new direction. We'll see. I'll post it when it's all done and mostly dry.

I've been in the house painting all day. It was pretty cool, but I'm going a little stir crazy. I didn't ride today or yesterday because of The Cold. The high in this part of country today was 45. While that may seem tropical to most people, for Savannah it might as well be the north pole. No one else at my barn wants to ride in this, and I hate riding alone, so sitting at home painting under the glow of the space heater it is.

I did brave The Cold and walked the dogs yesterday. They were most grateful, but really dogs... despite your persistent begging it's not happening again this soon. You have a wimpy southerner for a mom.

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